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DSA with Python

This beginner-friendly Python DSA Bootcamp  is your chance to prepare for the world of work as a Python DSA Developer in a product-based company, compile a job-ready project portfolio, and become a self-sufficient, versatile software developer with all the critical skills for a long and healthy career in tech.

Program Details

36+ Hours Instructor-Led Sessions
15+ Hours of Self-Paced Videos
50+ Hands-On Exercises
50+ Hours of Learning
5+ Real-World Projects
Well Structured Curriculum
30+ Hours of Problem-Solving Sessions
Numrous Hackathons and Mock Interviews
25+ Auto-Graded Assessments
30+ Hours of Career Coaching

Master the Latest Tools and Technologies

Pricing Options

One-Time Payment

Pay upfront


Partial Payment

Pay after 1st month

INR 35K + GST (upfont fee)
30K (pay after 1 month)


**Conditions Apply

What you will Learn

Understand the details of Data Structures and algorithms (DSA) through animations

Learn to write programs for different Data Structures and Algorithms in Python

Get the confidence to face programming interviews

Test your knowledge with over 100 Quiz questions

Learn how to analyse algorithms

Get the ability to write and trace recursive algorithms

Who Should Attend the Bootcamp

Freshers / Beginners


Cloud practitioners

IT Professionals / Leaders

Solutions Architects and DevOps engineers

IT operations engineers


There are no prerequisites to attend this Bootcamp. The right aptitude, logical thinking, and drive for curiosity are all you need. Leave the
rest to us!

Course Journey





Tech Career Support

Skills you’ll gain

Understanding data structures and algorithms.

Confidence to appear for programming interviews.

Analysing algorithms.

Writing programs for different types of data structures and algorithms in Python.

Ability to write and trace a recursive algorithm.

Implementing and using different algorithms.

Acing interview questions related to coding and computer science fundamentals.

Python DSA Bootcamp Syllabus

Important : Source Code Repository required for course

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Measuring Running time of Algorithms
  • Asymptotic Analysis
  • Big O Notation
  • Finding Big O
  • Tight and Loose Upper Bounds


  • Traversing and Searching a Single Linked List
  • Finding references in a single linked list
  • Difference between while p is not None: and while p.link is not None:
  • Insertion in a Single Linked List
  • Insertion in a Single Linked List ..contd
  • Deletion in a Single Linked List
  • Reversing a Single Linked Lis
  • Your Review Matters!


  • Introduction
  • Stack
  • Array Implementation of Stack
  • Linked List Implementation of Stack
  • Array Implementation of Queue
  • Circular Queue
  • Linked List implementation of Queue
  • Queue through Circular Linked List
  • Deque
  • Priority Queue
  • Checking validity of an expression containing nested parentheses
  • Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions
  • Converting infix expression to postfix expression
  • Evaluation of postfix expression


  • Introduction to trees
  • Binary Tree
  • For
  • Strictly Binary Tree and Extended Binary Tree
  • Full binary tree and Complete Binary Tree
  • Array Representation of Binary trees
  • Linked Representation of Binary Trees


  • Introduction
  • Traversal in Binary Search Tree
  • Searching in a Binary Search Tree
  • Nodes with Minimum and Maximum key
  • Insertion in a Binary Search Tree
  • Deletion in a Binary Search Tree


  • Introduction
  • Heap Representation
  • Insertion in Heap
  • Deletion
  • Building a Heap
  • Heap Applications


  • Introduction to Sorting Algorithms
  • Sort Stability
  • Selection Sort
  • Selection Sort in Python
  • Analysis of Selection Sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • Bubble Sort in Python
  • Improvement in Bubble Sort
  • Analysis of Bubble Sort


  • Linear Search
  • Linear Search in Sorted List
  • Binary Search
  • Implementation of Binary Search
  • Analysis of Binary Search

Frequently Asked Questions

Python DSA Bootcamp

With a basic knowledge of computers, a candidate can take this course and learn all the basic details of this field. Starting with the terms, this course defines working knowledge of the two.

Largely, anyone can pursue this course in data structure and algorithms, but programmers and data science students who want to build their path further in this line can also take up this course.

Apart from the introduction, the course explains various topics such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps and tries, graphs and sorting.

Yes, this course is designed to help students ace interviews as well after the completion of the course.

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